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Covid-19 information

RE kits to be worn to school if children attend an after school club that requires PE kit.

PE resumes on Monday 8th March - wear PE kit to school on PE days

KS2 - Lunchboxes, water bottle, bags (if necessary) and coats allowed in school

KS1 - Lunchboxes, water bottle, book bags and coats allowed in school

Forest School days = no PE that day so Forest School clothes to be worn to school.

All children (except Hedgehogs) to bring a labelled pencil case to school on the first day, containing pencil, colouring pencils, pencil sharpener, glue stick (KS2 handwriting pen, ruler, protractor).  Pencil cases to remain in school.

covid flowchart January 18th 2022
DfE parent information
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