Good teaching has always inspired learners but now we also have the new opportunities provided by technology. We can experience learning in ways previously impossible. We can travel the world using virtual tours; walking through historical sites and visiting spectacular environments. Using 3D modelling we can view locations and objects from any angle. This interactivity engages learners, stimulating their imagination and enthusiasm for subjects. Bon voyage!
Acknowledgements: I would like to thank everyone who has made this page possible, through their thoughts, hard work and generosity. To Mrs Lorraine Redpath, thank you for telling me about the virtual tours website you found, it gave me the starting point for this page, which I have since expanded on. To the educators and learners from Study Map, thank you for your enthusiastic feedback on this page and the information on other sites that could be included. To the artist Phillip Martin for allowing schools to use his wonderful and extensive clipart gallery free of charge. To George the Geographer for providing free maps for schools to use. And last, but certainly not least, to everybody involved in producing such awesome resources. I salute you all!
Shirley Hickey, Computing Tutor