The School Day
The School operates a soft start from 08:30 with registration beginning at 08:45. Pupils should not arrive on school premises before 08:30 unless they are attending a club before school. A member of staff is on duty to welcome children into school from 08:30. The school day begins with registration at 08:45 and ends at 3:15 for all children. This equates to 32.5 hours a week.
- 08:45 to 12:00 Morning Lessons
- 12:00 to 13:10 Lunch Break
- 13:10 to 15:15 Afternoon Lessons
- 08:45 to 12:15 Morning Lessons
- 12:15 to 13:10 Lunch Break
- 13:10 to 15:15 Afternoon Lessons
All children have a mid-morning break for 15 minutes and the younger children have an afternoon break at the descretion of the class teacher.
We are a therapeutic thinking school and our behaviour policy reflects this. We believe that using a therapeutic and restorative approach is essential in building positive relationships and making children feel valued and understood. We see behaviour as a form of communication and we pride ourselves on dedicating time to understand why a behaviour may be present. Full details of our approach to behaviour management can be found in the behaviour policy on the policies page of this website.
Our behaviour expectations are linked to our three school values of love, hope and forgiveness.

Attendance & Sickness Absence
Good attendance and punctuality are very important. A careful record is kept of attendance and punctuality.
If your child is unable to attend school due to illness or injury please telephone the school office on the first day of absence.
Telephone: 01342 810302
Alternatively please email the school receptionist using the following address:
Absence due to genuine sickness will be authorised. If in any doubt please contact the school office. If your child is sick or has diarrhoea, they should not return to school until 48 hours after the last incidence of this even if they appear well otherwise. If in doubt, or cases of other illnesses or infections please contact the school office for further details.
We would ask that parents endeavour to make medical appointments for their children outside school hours but recognise that this is not always possible. Absence to attend a medical appointment would be listed as authorised.
Absence for Other Reasons
Authorisation for absence from learning in exceptional circumstances is discretionary, not an entitlement. It can only be authorised by the Headteacher.
Absence from learning during term time can no longer be authorised, following a change in government regulations, except in exceptional circumstances. Absence for a family holiday is no longer considered exceptional circumstances.
A period in excess of ten school days cannot be authorised.
Absence without authorisation will be recorded as unauthorised.
If a child is absent, without authorisation, for more than ten sessions (five school days) or is persistently late, a penalty notice may be issued by the Educational Welfare Officer in the form of a fine.
A day’s absence to attend the funeral of a family member may be authorised.
A day’s absence to attend a family wedding, provided the parents have no control over the date of the wedding, may be authorised.
Absence for a family holiday will only be considered for authorisation if supported by a letter from the employer of the child’s parent stating that it is not possible for them to take their leave from work during school holiday periods.
Other circumstances may be considered on a case by case basis. To request absence from learning during term time please download and complete the form below. An absence will not be authorised unless you have received notification that this is the case.