Charging & Remissions Policy
We aim to provide an exciting and stimulating education for our children. We cannot, by law, charge parents for educational activities which take place mainly within school time, other than instrumental lessons. We would, however, be unable to provide such activities unless we receive assistance from parents. We therefore ask for a ‘voluntary contribution’ on these occasions. Such contributions are requested for swimming, visits and other additional activities and we are grateful that we receive the fullest cooperation from parents.
We do charge for School Meals where appropriate, some extra-curricular activities, residential trips which take place mainly outside school hours and include accomodation and other goods or services e.g. school uniform, use of photocopying facilities etc.

Making Payments
Payments for any purpose, including voluntary contributions, may be made in cash or by cheque at the school office.
Payments can also be made electronically via BACS, direct from your bank account by sending funds to. Many parents now prefer this method. Please make sure you label the transfer with the purpose of the payment.
Details for BACS payment are as follows:
West Hoathly Primary School
Acc No: 00706700
Sort Code: 09 01 55
We are not able to accept debit or credit card payments.