Every child is unique with a range of strengths and aspects of learning which they find more challenging. Some children have difficulties or disabilities that make it hader for him or her to learn than most other children or young people of about the same age. This is distinct from a child who may have fallen behind a little but has no specific difficulties and needs to catch up.
At West Hoathly CE Primary School we want all our children to make good progress and attain as highly as possible.

Award acheived July 2023
Where children are identified as having a special educational need or disability we are committed to exercising our "best endeavours" to help them learn and make progress providing additional support, resources or teaching. This may be in a variety of forms.
Sometimes, where necessary, we gain support and opportunities beyond the school where specialist intervention or advice is necessary. The documents and links below provide further details of the school's, locality (group of schools) and county provision.
SEND Information Report
SEND Policy Document
Parent Appointments
If you have any concerns about your child’s needs or progress then please speak, in the first instance, with your child’s class teacher. If you would like to speak with the SENDCo, Mrs Dann then please email head@westhoathlyschool.co.uk or phone 01342 810302
Useful links for parent/carers
SEND Local Offer - West Sussex County Council: West Sussex County Council SEND Local Offer is a directory of support, guidance and advice for parents/carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities.
Reaching Families: A parent led charity providing advice, training and support for parents/carers of children with SEND.
West Sussex Parent Carer Forum | Information | Training (wspcf.org.uk): an independent charity who offers information, advice and support to parents/carers of children with SEND.
SENDIAS Home Page - West Sussex SENDIAS Service: An impartial advice service which is free and confidential.