A School with a Distinctive Christian Character
As a Church of England (controlled) primary school we are required to have a distinctive Christian character. This means:
- We have a strong, caring ethos, evident in the way we support, relate to and encourage one another. This is based on three key, inclusive, Christian values:
Love = unconditional care and respect for all members of our school family.
Hope = high but not unreasonable expectations for success for everyone.
Forgiveness = a fresh start for everyone, every day.
- Our daily acts of collective worship have a clear Christian flavour and reflects the beliefs and practices of the Church of England. It is not a church style service however and is designed to be inspirational, invitational and inclusive to pupils of all ages and backgrounds.
- Around our school you will find evidence of our Christian character expressed in visible and practical ways including displays, art work and symbols.
- Our annual programme of events includes visits to and services in our local parish church, St. Margaret's e.g. Harvest Festival, Christmas Carol Concert, Ash Wednesday service, Easter Celebration, Pentecost.
- We have links with the local parish and the Parish Priest is a regular visitor and Governor in our school.
Our aim is not to convert any child to a particular religion or belief system. We respect the right of all individuals to hold their own beliefs or none and will always support this provided those beliefs and practices do not contravene the law or compromise the rights or well being of others.

Our Harvest Service 2024

Dear Lord, bless our school,
In that working together
and playing together
we may learn to love one another
and to serve you.
St Margaret's Parish Church - West Hoathly