What is Pupil Premium?
The Pupil Premium additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap in attainment and progress between them and their peers.
Pupil Premium is not a personal fund for any individual child but must be used in such a way as to ensure that pupils who attract the funding are able to make progress at least as well as their peers.

Who "attracts" Pupil Premium?
The following pupils are eligible to attract the additional funding:
- Those registered for Free School Meals (N.B. This is different from the government funded Infant Free School Meals Programme).
- Looked after children (under the care of the Local Authority).
- Those who have left Local Authority Care for reasons of adoption, special guardianship, a child arrangements order or a residence order.
How much is Pupil Premium?
In the financial year 2024-2025 the funding is £1480 for children eligible for free school meals and £2585 for looked after or previously looked after children.
How much do we receive?
Very few pupils in our school are eligible to attract this additional funding.
We have received £14020 for this financial year.
How is the Pupil Premium funding used at West Hoathly CE Primary School?
At our school the majority of the funding is used to employ additional staff to provide for the needs of individuals. In particular we have a fully trained Learning Mentor, part funded by Pupil Premium, who works with individuals and groups to address barriers to learning including those which may not be directly learning based e.g. confidence, self-esteem, bereavement. We have provided some 1:1 support for a child, part funded by the Pupil Premium, to support access to learning and have funded attendance at an extra curricular activity for one child.
How is the impact of Pupil Premium funding monitored?
As part of our normal procedures the school keep records, gather evidence and track the progress of all pupils. This data and information, combined with a regular Pupil Progress Review enables us to keep a close eye on how pupils are doing in their learning. As part of this, those children eligible for Pupil Premium are analysed as a group and as individuals to check that they are making progress at least in line with their peers. During the last financial year all children eligible for Pupil Premium made progress at least in line with his or her peers and one child made better than expected progress.
Pupil Premium Strategy 2024 - 2025
Please find our current pupil premium spending allocation for this academic year below.