We also request that every child has a coat or light waterproof jacket in school every day.
Please ensure that during the winter you child has a suitable coat and other clothing for warmth when outdoors.
Uniform available at school
A number of unform items are available from the school office. We keep a limited range of items in stock and may be ordered using the form below.
Items include:
- Sweatshirts with logo,
- Sweat cardigans with logo
- Green Polo Shirts with logo,
- White PE T-Shirts with logo,
- Unisex PE Shorts,
- SweatReversible Waterproof Jacket/Fleece (with school logo),
- Replacement Book Bags with logo.
- Sun hats and draw string PE bags may also be available.
Our School Association also sell a wide range of second hand uniform which can be purchased via the School Office.
There is a school uniform that consists of:
- Bottle green sweatshirt or cardigan with embroidered school logo*
- Plain white shirt, blouse (Long or short Sleeved) or bottle green polo shirt
- Grey shorts or trousers or pinafore or skirt
- Green and white gingham summer dress
- Plain grey or white knee high socks (not over the knee) or plain grey or dark green tights
- Plain grey ankle socks with trousers.
- Sensible black shoes (no trainers and no fashion heels or open toes)
Items marked with a *Embroidered logo polo shirts, cardigans, jumpers, PE t-shirts, PE shorts, reversible jackets, PE bags and book bags can be bought from the school office. Other items can be bought from High Street shops and supermarkets. Unbranded items of uniform are also permitted.
Please note skirts should be an appropriate length and of a style which allows for sitting comfortably on the floor. When shorts are worn, they should also be of an appropriate length.
PE kit
Children come into school wearing their PE kit on PE days (parents will be notified by class teachers which days they have PE). PE kit may be bought from the school office. All school uniform and P.E. kit MUST be named. Children can become upset as a result of lost clothing; please help us by naming everything.
P.E. Uniform is:
- House colour t-shirt with school logo (or plain house colour t-shirt is also acceptable)
- Bottle green shorts (NOT cycling shorts)
- Black or green track trousers and top
- KS1 A pair of plimsolls/ pumps – velcro fastenings are essential for younger children for indoor
- KS2 trainers
Children will attend forest school throughout the year and it is vitally important that they are wearing the appropriate clothing for the weather conditions.
Vest, hat, long-sleeved t-shirt/shirt, jumper/fleece, coat or all-in-one, gloves (not mittens), wellies with warm socks, waterproof trousers (if wet)
Sun hat, sun cream applied before school, lightweight long sleeved top, wellies, lightweight long trousers, waterproof trousers (if wet)

Parents are asked to ensure that all items of clothing and personal possessions are marked, clearly, with the child's name. Iron and sew-in labels are available from various suppliers. Please check labels regularly if written in to ensure the names have not faded.
Hair, Jewellery and Make-up
For many reasons, including safety, we do not allow children to wear jewellery, including necklaces, rings or bracelets unless for medical purposes e.g. Medic Alert. The exceptions to this rule are ear-ring studs in pierced ears.
Children are required to remove any items during P.E. lessons or to cover them with micropore tape (supplied by parents) to prevent them from causing injury.
A basic watch may be worn. Smart watches or Fitbits are only allowed if the ability to access the internet and messaging services is disabled/switched off. Very occasionally silicon wristbands, as part of a school charity activity, may be worn.
Please note: Teachers are not permitted to remove earrings.
Make up, including nail varnish and artificial nails should not be worn to school.
Tattoos, temporary or otherwise, are not permitted.
Children with long hair, below shoulder length or over a child’s face must keep this tied back during the school day and especially during PE lessons. Please ensure that your child has appropriate elasticated bands for this purpose.
Other hair accessories such as alice bands, bows, hair clips and scrunchies should be in keeping with school uniform colours – green, brown or black - and should not have large flowers or other decoration attached. These may need to be removed during PE sessions.
Hair should be of natural colour and hairstyles should be practical. Extreme hairstyles are not appropriate for school. The use of styling products should be kept to a minimum and children should not have decorative patterns cut into their hair or have hair coloured or dyed.