What is The Sports Premium?
Building towards and beyond the 2012 London Olympics the government introduced PE & Sport Premium. This is designed to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils.
Please click on the document below to find out how we spent the money in the 2023-2024 Academic Year.
Swimming is part of the National Curriculum for Physical Education. Currently, at West Hoathly, we address swimming during either Year 3 or Year 4 - with children swimming weekly for the equivalent of 12 sessions.
The key objective is to ensure that, by the time they reach the end of primary school the children are able to swim, unaided and with confidence, 25 metres using any stroke.
We are required to publish information about how well our children perform, in swimming, by the time they leave the school.
The following table shows the percentages of children in Year 6 (July 2024) who have reached the expected 25m standard, use a range of strokes and perform safe self-rescue
Swim 25m | Range of Strokes | Safe Self-Rescue |
100% | 88% | 81% |