Lunches and Snacks - NO NUTS POLICY
Freshly Prepared School Meals
We have a number of children and staff who have a severe, potentially life threatening nut allergy. The school is therefore (in line with other schools) a NUT FREE zone. Please ensure that you child does not bring any nuts or food items to school which have nuts as a listed ingredient.
We are one of the very few West Sussex Primary Schools able to offer a cooked lunch, prepared in our own school kitchen, each day. We have two sittings; younger children eat at 12 noon and older pupils at 12.30pm. We aim to use as many fresh ingredients as possible.
Families who wish to join the non-profit-making scheme pay at the beginning of each half-term. In order to maintain the service, we do ask families to commit to the scheme for a full year and, at present; credits are not issued for missed meals. Finance is reviewed regularly with a view to making the scheme as economical for families as possible. Lunches for children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 are provided free of charge to all pupils as part of the government scheme. For children in Key Stage 2 the cost £80.00 per half-term. The meals are designed to be attractive to children, providing a balanced, healthy diet and one third of their recommended daily allowance.
Children may bring sandwiches instead but we ask you to make it a healthy alternative.
The catering facilities and school lunches are Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) compliant. They also meet the national nutritional standards.

3 week rolling menu: The menus we publish are indicative and changes may be made, without notice, due to availability of products

Sweets are not allowed in school.
We are part of the National Fruit and Vegetable Scheme, which provides pupils in Reception, Years 1 and 2 with a fruit or vegetable snack each day. These are used to supplement any fruit or vegetables brought from home.
Children may bring one of the following as a snack for morning break:
- fresh fruit or vegetables,
- dried fruit (such as raisins or apricots),
- a couple of plain biscuits (e.g. digestive, rich tea),
- a couple of plain crackers or mini-breadsticks,
- a small quantity of unsweetened cereal (in a suitable re-usable container).
Children should not bring:
- fruit derivatives which are effectively concentrated fruit puree with high sugar,
- fruit in syrup, jelly or similar,
- dried fruit coated in yoghurt or chocolate,
- sweets or chocolate (including chocolate biscuits).
- nuts (including peanuts) or any product containing them, due to risk of extreme allergic reaction by pupils and staff,
- cereal bars (which may contain nuts or other allergens such as sesame, even in small quantities).
Water & Milk
The children are also encouraged to bring in water bottles, as part of the school's healthy lifestyles ethos. We provide filling stations to allow these to be refilled.
Some children prefer to have squash in their bottles however this must be the sugar free variety and bottles must be clearly labelled with your child's name and that their bottle contains squash.
Milk for four year olds is free; however it is available for all years at a reasonable cost due to the benefit of an EU subsidy. This must be ordered in advance, either termly or yearly. Visit the the Cool Milk Website to sign up. The school will then be informed and milk will be delivered for your child each day.