KEY STAGE TWO - YEARS 3, 4, 5 & 6
KEY STAGE TWO children (Years 3, 4, 5 & 6) are taught in two classes. Otter Class, taught by Mrs Redpath has our Year 3 and Year 4 children together. Badger Class, taught by Mrs Lovemore has our Year 5 and Year 6 children learning together. On this page you will find details of the Key Stage Two curriculum for 2024 - 2025.
As in Key Stage One, assessment in Key Stage Two is based on teacher (and support staff) observations, questioning, discussion and evaluation of pupil's work. At the end of Key Stage Two (Year 6), pupils undergo statutory assessment which includes standardised tests in reading, spelling & grammar and maths. Teachers are also required to make "teacher assessment" judgements based on their full knowledge of each child as a learner. In Year 4 children have to take a statutory multiplication test where they are tested on all their times tables knowledge, up to 12 x 12.
OTTER CLASS: Year 3 and 4

SUPPORT STAFF: Miss Hickey, Mr Wilson and Mr Hasan
BADGER CLASS: Year 5 and 6

SUPPORT STAFF: Miss Hickey, Mr Wilson and Mr Hasan
English in Key Stage Two is all about strengthing knowledge, skills and understanding using reading and writing, with confidence, in a range of contexts. Mastering the art of writing for different audiences and purposes including cross curricular work is vital as children work towards the demands secondary school. Reading moves on from reading words and recognising meaning to develop greater comprehension, understanding author intention and inferring ideas from the text. Children also have further and more challenging opportunities to present to others and exercise listening for learning.
Maths in Key Stage Two extends the complexity of number, introducing decimals and more demanding operations, working with larger numbers. As well as extending pupils' knowledge, skills and understanding in the areas of geommetry, measurement and statistics they are, when they reach Year 6, introduced to ratio & proportion and the principles of algebra. As well as securing understanding and confidence children are increasingly challenged to apply maths in a range of problem solving, investigative and cross-curricular (including real life) contexts.
Taking the skills and knowledge acquired in Key Stage One, children in Key Stage Two learn to apply programming skills, including testing and adapting sequences and code, in a range of simulator and real-life computing applications. They also gain a complete picture of e-safety and how they can avoid risks by following certain rules. They also extend the range of software they can use effectively and make more sophisticated choices in the appropriate and efficient use of computers and related media. The aim is secure computing literacy ready for the next phase of learning.
As in Key Stage One, Science and the foundation subjects (History, Geography, Art & Design, Design Technology, Music) are presented in the context of cross-curricular topics with different subjects taking the "lead" each term. The classes have their own two year rolling programme which is outlined in the document below.
Children in Key Stage Two have at least two PE sessions each week. The range of skills is extended to include more formal games skills, outdoor adventure activities and the ability to evaluate their performance. The school provides children with a wide range of opportunities to compete in events with other schools. We also address the swimming elements of the curriculum.
At West Hoathly CE Primary School our main modern foreign language is French. LCP Primary French resources form the backbone of our teaching. This enhanced with songs, games and online activities including the BBC Primary French materials. The aim is equip our pupils with the confidence and skills to understand and use spoken french as well as read and write basic text. Every three years we organise a residential trip to France. Every child has an opportunity to take part in this when they are in Year 4, 5 or 6 depending which year this coincides with.
As in Key Stage One RE in Key Stage Two is taught in accordance with the West Sussex Agreed Syllabus. In Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 the pupils extend their knowledge of different religions and non-religious world views, looking for similarities and differences, considering their own responses to significant issues, their own beliefs and how diverse communities can co-exist and collaborate in a variety of ways.
Building on the learning in Key Stage One the pupils extend their understanding of the three core themes: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World.
We use the Kapow music scheme to suport and guide teachers to teach the music curriculum. Our school is very well resourced with a range of percussion instruments which children have the opportunity to play when they are performing and composing in their music lessons.
We also provide opportunity for our children to participate in after school music clubs, as well as Rocksteady band tuition, which is provided by an external company.
We offer piano tuition from a West Sussex peripatetic teacher.